I love taking pictures (as many of you already know), but I have become a little obsessed with always trying to get everything "right." So, in order to save our marriage, my husband has declared that every now and again I must put the camera on auto and just snap some pictures. Here are our days in snaps (not all of them are in auto -- just don't tell Ron).

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Well, I made it through the day. It was certainly not easy to leave my little boy at the school, but he wasn't upset at all, and he is really enjoying it.

I think it is the control freak in me, but I feel like I am just kind of wandering around lost without him here during the day. I can't stand not knowing absolutely everything about his day. When I ask him about school, I sometimes end up more perplexed. He is four with a very active imagination, and I honestly can't tell fact from fiction sometimes!

He is obviously surviving and happy, so I guess that means that I am the one with the problem (Why is that always the case?) Carsyn is a little lost too, and every time we walk Gatlin up the road to get on the bus, she cries because she wants to go too. And have I mentioned how much this has messed up my daily routine?

On another note:

Time is going to have to be a fluid thing on this blog. I still have tons to share from the last two months, but I don't have time to get to my own personal pictures right now. So just a warning, we shall be jumping around a lot here!

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