I love taking pictures (as many of you already know), but I have become a little obsessed with always trying to get everything "right." So, in order to save our marriage, my husband has declared that every now and again I must put the camera on auto and just snap some pictures. Here are our days in snaps (not all of them are in auto -- just don't tell Ron).

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Summer Joys

June was actually a tough month. It is the month we lost Aunt Jo and Aunt Karla became terminally ill. We lost her the first week in July. So I want to concentrate on the joys this life brings, since sometimes it is the only way I can wrap my head around losing such wonderful people. We all know, no one can show you the joys of life like toddlers! (By the way if you want to see another cute toddler, Miss Caydence, her and her family pictures are on my other blog):

Here's Gatlin on Turbo. No time for a saddle -- just hop on bareback.

My two have a blast with the water hose. Sharing is the hard part!

Carsyn getting down! I am sure she is dancing to "Come On Eileen" since I'm starting my kids on 80's music early.

Now a little randomness:
I just thought this picture exemplifies New Mexico weather. We had just gotten through a downpour in Rio Rancho, but it was nice and sunny over the Sandias.
And I just like this one -- plus the blooms are already gone.

Motherhood has always been full of contradictions for me:

--When they're babies, you can't wait till they walk and talk
--When they're walking and talking, you wish they were back to being a baby
--You can't wait for them to sleep all night in their own beds -- now I find myself looking over them sleeping at night thinking, "If I woke them up, would they fall back asleep on me on the
couch?" (I haven't actually woke one up . . . yet)

Gatlin is supposed to be starting preschool in a little less than a month. Last year when I signed him up, I was ready. When I sometimes crave the peace and quiet that comes when he is away, I am ready . . . now I am not ready. I am already fighting back the tears of sending my baby off to school (peace and quiet are over-rated afterall). I need to remember to enjoy these next few weeks, cause like it or not . . . the times they are a-changing.


  1. I am totally guilty of picking one of my sleeping children up out of bed, carrying them to the rocking chair, and rocking them until I've soaked in some love. Do it...you won't regret it.

  2. I know how you feel. My youngest went to Kindergarten this year. It only half day...praise the good Lord...but still it is so hard. Be brave mom, be brave!
    Oh...and pick them up and enjoy while you can still hold them. Mine are way too lanky now days for that.
